Лауреаты конкурса Реккевега за лучший клинический случай

Все лауреаты с 2014 года

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Лауреаты конкурса Реккевега за лучший клинический случай с 2014 года

Ниже перечислены все лауреаты конкурса Реккевега за лучший клинический случай применения многоцелевой терапии за прошлые года. Нажмите на год, чтобы узнать о лауреатах.

Пояснение: Звездочкой  (*) отмечен лауреат конкурса, занявший первое место.

Dr. Giselle Garzón Ferrand (Colombia), SUC® Bioregulatory therapy as support in the management of chronic kidney disease exacerbation in a geriatric dog. Case Report (veterinary).

Citation: Giselle Garzón Ferrand, Terapia Biorreguladora SUC® como soporte en el manejo de la Agudización de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica en un perro geriatra: Reporte de Caso (Version 3). Available at figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21391515


Dr. Stefan Pecher (Germany), Chronic Osteitis Pubis on Both Sides — With Holistic Treatment for Quick Healing(human).

Citation: Stefan Pecher, Chronic Osteitis Pubis on Both Sides – With Holistic Treatment for Quick Healing. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4344603

Sandra Beltran, Colombia: Bioregulatory approach to the autoinflammatory syndrome in a pediatric patient: a case report (human).

Citation: Higuera, Sandra J. B., Mariela Tavera, Sandra Palacios, Felipe Robayo, Carlos Olmos, Oscar Tamayo, and Fernando Zarate. 2021. “Abordaje Biorregulador De Síndrome Autoinflamatorio En Un Paciente Pediátrico: Reporte De Caso.” OSF Preprints. December 26. doi:10.31219/osf.io/yj9ua.

Elena Kononova, Russia: Clinical case of post-COVID cognitive disorders and asthenia in a young man: treatment options (human).

Citation: Кононова Е. А. 2021. Клинический случай постковидных когнитивных нарушений и астении у молодого человека: возможности терапии. PREPRINTS.RU. https://doi.org/10.24108/preprints-3112320


Stephany Velásquez, Colombia: Dermatopathy of hepatobiliary origin. A comprehensive approach from bioregulatory systems medicine. Case report (veterinary).

Citation: Velasquez, Mery S. 2021. “Dermatopatía De Origen Hepatobiliar. Un Enfoque Integral Desde La Medicina Biorreguladora De Sistemas. Reporte De Caso.” OSF Preprints. December 9. doi:10.31219/osf.io/k5zrn.

Maklouf, Flávia C. S., Brazil: Keloid treatment with Traumeel® S intralesional injection: a case report*

Agudelo Suárez, Angela Natalia, Colombia: Bioregulatory medicine for lead poisoning in two Andean condors (Vultur gryphus), Santander-Cundinamarca-Colombia. Case report.

Tardov, Mikhail V., Boldin, Alexey V., Russia: Effective combined treatment of stomatogenic cochleovestibular syndrome: a case report.

Juan Carlos Builes Rodríguez, Colombia: Revascularization and Repair of Penile Mucosa with Vascular and Tissue Compromise of Canine Penis.*

Andrea Valero Carvajal, Colombia: Acne Management With Bioregulatory Medicine: A Clinical Approach From Detoxification And Drainage.

Tamar Mosulishvili, Georgia, and Nataliia Sydorova, Ukraine: Case-report of effective treatment of acute unilateral undifferentiated tinnitus with a bioregulatory medicine preparation.*

Nora Álvarez Upegui, Colombia: Therapeutic Success of Bioregulatory Systems Medicine in Varicose Ulcer. Multiple conventional treatments without clinical improvement.

Tina Decorte, Belgium: Case report of a traumatic rupture of the adductor muscle in a marathon runner: alternative treatment options with bioregulatory therapy.*

Liliana Consuegra Bazzani, Colombia: Tissue repair in facial post-traumatic injury in a patient with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa under the bioregulatory systems medicine approach – clinical case.

Sergio Andrés Laasch Arbeláez, Colombia: Spinal cord injury by a sharp bladed weapon: Clinical recovery, with Bioregulatory Medicine, of a patient with areflexic paraplegia and loss of sphincter control.*

Hernán Villalón, Chile: Case Report: Successful treatment of Multisystemic MALT involvement in non-infectious inflammatory disease in children.

Hugo José Zuleta Angulo, Colombia: Bioregulatory Medicine through the Biopuncture: an excellent alternative for improving the functionality and life quality in patients with severe mixed chronic pain secondary to Failed Back Surgery Syndrome and with adverse effects to the chronic use of conventional medicines.*

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