Reckeweg Award for the Best Clinical Case Report

Overview of important documents for application

You can now apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2025.

The Deadline for eligible cases is Feb 28, 2025.

1. Clinical case report

The case report must be published in a peer-reviewed medical journal or posted on the preprint platform during the submission period. It should describe a case that involves treatment with multitarget therapy. You must be the first author. For application, you will need to provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assigned by the publisher.

2. Completed CARE checklist

This checklist, which includes all the information a case report must contain to meet scientific standards, is downloadable from the CARE guidelines website. Authors should provide the page numbers where the items can be found in the appropriate column of the checklist. The annotated checklist should be submitted as a PDF.

3. Signed authorship and copyright consent form

To participate, authors should give their consent. By signing this document, you confirm that you are the first author and have publication rights.

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Join our medical community!

We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

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