Clinical case reporting

How to publish on Figshare

You can now apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2025.

The Deadline for eligible cases is Feb 28, 2025.

1. Step: Create an account

From the homepage of figshare, sign up, create an account and activate your account by confirming the email that will be sent to your email address.
Log in to your account.
Select the +Create a new item button from the top left (or just drag and drop your file into the browser).

2. Step: Add Authors

Insert a Title.
Add Authors. you can rearrange the order in which the authors appear. 
You can also search by entering the email address of the author you want to add. To add an author who doesn’t have a Figshare account, select Add author details and enter their name, email address (optional), and ORCID (optional).


3. Step: Category

Select a Category. You can choose more than one and either select from the drop-down menu or search for your subject area. 
From the Item type drop-down menu, select Preprint.

4. Step: Keywords

Add Keyword(s). These should be more specific than the category and help others find your research. Add as many keywords as you want – just hit enter after each keyword. Figshare remembers ones you’ve entered previously and will suggest keywords based on keywords that have been added to the database previously.

5. Step: Description

Write a Description. This should include any relevant information that pertains to your research – this might include information about the methodology, approval for data collection, or legal or ethical requirements. Be as descriptive as you can! 

6. Step: License and DOI

Select CC BY 4.0  License from the drop-down menu, usually it has been selected as default. Then, click to reserve the digital object identifier (DOI). You will receive the unique DOI for your preprint once you published it on the platform by clicking the “Publish” button.

7. Step: Save everything

Save the Changes you made so it will be saved in your account. And you can still edit all.
Make sure everything you have submitted is accurate – once it’s published, it’s permanently available.

8. Step: Publish

Tick Publish and “publish item”.
Once your data is published the DOI can be shared for publication. Public data can also be shared on social media or private sharing links.

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We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

Join our medical community!

We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

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