Clinical case reporting


You can now apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2025.

The Deadline for eligible cases is Feb 28, 2025.


Our free training will guide you on how to write a clinical case report, the CARE-writer™ online tool will help you structure it. After completing a clinical case report, you can download it as a pdf file and post it on a preprint platform (see examples) or publish it in a peer-reviewed journal. And if your clinical case is about treatment with multitarget therapy, you can participate in the Reckeweg Award for the Best Clinical Case Report in Multitarget Therapies.

On the left are the buttons that will guide you from start to finish. Clicking on a button takes you to more specific information on completing each step.

Every scientific clinical case report starts with your desire to share everyday practice knowledge for better care. Whether you treat humans or animals, your case should represent a medical challenge, interesting outcome or experience with a new treatment.

As soon as you have chosen a case from your daily practice you can continue with the following steps:

Get started: Anonymization

Familiarize yourself with scientific ethics and legal regulations

Patients should give their written consent before participating in any clinical study, including case reports. Also, case reports should be anonymized, omitting any data that could identify patients. Your case report must follow the CARE (CAse REport) guidelines, and if you want to apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award, you’ll have to sign an authorship and copyright consent form.

Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you step-by-step.

Step 1: Case report training

Get updated on scientific case report writing!

In a free, 30-minute online video course, we’ll show you how to write a scientific case report. The course includes 12 lessons with explanatory videos and downloadable resources, including an example of a patient consent form. You’ll learn about CARE guidelines, scientific standards for case reporting, and publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

Step 2: Case report writing

Create a case report ready for publishing

Use the free online application explicitly designed for the creation of a clinical case report.
Designed in 2019 by the CARE Group, the CARE-writer™ aims to support transparency and accuracy in case report publications. After completing your case report with the CARE-writer, it will be ready for sharing with other healthcare professionals.

Step 3: Case report publishing

How to publish your clinical case report

If you’re finished writing your clinical case report, you can post it as a preprint (see examples). After uploading your case report, you’ll receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which will make your report citable as a reference. With that DOI, you’re eligible for the Reckeweg Award for the Best Clinical Case Report in Multitarget Therapies. Don’t worry, we show you how everything works in detail.

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We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

Join our medical community!

We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

Join our medical community!

We will provide you free resources to support you in writing clinical case reports and participate in the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award.

If you have not registered yet, you can do this here: » Register with e-mail.

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  1. Submit and confirm your e-mail address
  2. Recieve full access to all our resources directly after