Reckeweg Clinical Case Award Winners
Award winners 2022
You can now apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2025.
The Deadline for eligible cases is Feb 28, 2025.
Heel Grants Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2022
After a two-year gap due to the pandemic and the challenging time the world had been through, on the 8th of December 2022, Heel Headquarters hosted the annual Ceremony for Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2022.
The Award honors healthcare practitioners for their everyday observational research in the form of clinical case reports. This year we had 24 applications from Colombia (14) and Russia (10). According to the application rules, all clinical cases submitted for the award were either posted as preprints or published in a medical journal. An international expert review panel evaluated the case reports based on formal compliance with the CARE guidelines, scientific rationale, level of detail, and educational value for healthcare professionals.
This year for the first time, the Ceremony was streamed online in a hybrid event (you can watch recorded sessions here). David Riley, founder of the Scientific Writing in Health and Medicine website, coauthor of the Case Reporting (CARE) guidelines, the editor of The Permanente Journal, and a member of the international expert review pane for the award gave the keynote lecture about sharing clinical experience through clinical case reports. He emphasized that case reports help establish effectiveness in treating individual patients, inspiring clinicians to improve their clinical experience. After his lecture, the authors of the winning clinical cases presented them to the audience.
This year, three clinical cases were selected for their excellent reporting and educational value (in alphabetical order):
Sandra Beltran (Colombia), Bioregulatory approach to the autoinflammatory syndrome in a pediatric patient: a case report (human).
Citation: Higuera, Sandra J. B., Mariela Tavera, Sandra Palacios, Felipe Robayo, Carlos Olmos, Oscar Tamayo, and Fernando Zarate. 2021. “Abordaje Biorregulador De Síndrome Autoinflamatorio En Un Paciente Pediátrico: Reporte De Caso.” OSF Preprints. December 26. doi:10.31219/
Dr. Beltran shared her experience in managing a pediatric patient with autoinflammatory syndrome using a bioregulatory approach. The patient had recurrent fever associated with skin manifestations and joint pain and did not respond to the usual management with antipyretics, anti-inflammatories, and corticosteroids – but did respond to bioregulatory therapy.
Elena Kononova (Russia), Clinical case of post-COVID cognitive disorders and asthenia in a young man: treatment options (human).
Citation: Кононова Е. А. 2021. Клинический случай постковидных когнитивных нарушений и астении у молодого человека: возможности терапии. PREPRINTS.RU.
Dr. Kononova wrote a clinical case report about a high school student suffering from post-COVID cognitive disorder and fatigue. This topic is highly relevant to many patients suffering from the post-COVID syndrome. This case demonstrates how a bioregulatory approach can support conventional therapy.
Stephany Velásquez (Colombia), Dermatopathy of hepatobiliary origin. A comprehensive approach from bioregulatory systems medicine. Case report (veterinary).
Citation: Velasquez, Mery S. 2021. “Dermatopatía De Origen Hepatobiliar. Un Enfoque Integral Desde La Medicina Biorreguladora De Sistemas. Reporte De Caso.” OSF Preprints. December 9. doi:10.31219/
Dr. Velásquez told a story of a German Shepherd dog who suffered from skin lesions of hepatobiliary origin. She explained how skin changes might be used to identify liver disease, similar to human disease, and described an integrative approach using bioregulatory medicine. This clinical case is important because this condition has not been extensively described in canines.
Each winner received a named award trophy and a 5.000 euros prize.
Closing the Ceremony, Dr. Myron Schultz, Head of Medicine & Research at Heel, thanked the winners for their dedication to sharing such valuable clinical experience and encouraged participants to publish their knowledge and apply for the Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2023. All information about conditions of entry, available case report writing educational opportunities, helpful tools, and more can be found on this website.
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